Sunday, May 1, 2011

GAH-dening, DAH-ling. GAH-dening!

Tis the season to garden, & patio gardening we are. Planted: 5 varied tomato plants in earth boxes, 6 arugulas, 6 dinosaur kales, 2 chives, 16 strawberries, 6 potatoes. The peach tree which grew from a seed I threw in the garden & which I transplanted into a wine barrel 7 months ago has finally come out of dormancy & is now covered in buds which are doubling in size every day. There are still a few onions from last year. The aloe plant is doing well & I used a piece of it yesterday to treat sunburn. It worked wonderfully. Aloe is an incredible plant, one we should truly be thankful for!

Why should we all be gardening right now? Because in today's world, food is becoming more expensive, & the economy & the oil-dependent food infrastructure of the United States are in ever-increasing danger of catastrophic failure. Gardening takes time to learn. You need to start yesterday so that when TSHTF you are at least partly self-sufficient. It's either that, or risk starvation at a later date. Also, home-grown food is good for you, unlike much of the processed crap we buy at the store.
Two forms of probable post-Peak Oil transport:

The Eastern European-ish "stripped wreck"-type vehicle that -SURPRISE!- still runs. Why not, I say? It weighs a hell of a lot less than a regular car and it's a great use of material that has already been thru the industrial process. Use it or lose it. Keep it running til it just don't run no more. Then, cut it in half and...

...create a single-horse cart with rubber tires & steel springs out of it. Can't wait to see these puppies come back, actually. A much saner form of transport than automobiles. More relaxing, less dangerous, less energy-intensive. And, horses eat grass, not oil.
The neighbors had chickens for 2 years but now their chickens are gone, along with the fencing & the coop. Why'd they gave it up?
Self-sufficiency is the goal for Hippie Survivalists, don't let anyone convince you otherwise. Inter-dependence is a great & trendy New Age concept, but it might not feed you after TSHTF, you dig? Even Penny Kelly, who is damn New Age-y, promotes self-sufficiency in both her lifestyle on Lilly Hill Farm & her book ROBES. Community is great, but the goal is to make your community self-sufficient. And as for sustainability, I'm all for it. I believe that self-sufficiency must incorporate sustainability. But never forget...your focus should always remain nothing less than total self-sufficiency, or your Lifeboat might not make it thru the coming storm, Brethren. ONWARD! Amen.

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