Saturday, October 15, 2011


Goddamnit, there are a LOT of mass shootings occurring in the fucking United States these days. There was the beauty salon rampage in LA a couple of days ago - 8 dead, 1 wounded to date. There was the Quarry rampage in the South Bay a few days ago - I think 7 people were shot. As I've previously mentioned, there was the Carson rampage a month or two ago, with about 8 dead. And that's just what I can remember off the top of my head, locally. For fuck sake! This shit has become normal. Let me repeat that: This crazy shit has become normal. Get it out of your head that it is all an anomaly, and we will be back to "safe-and-sound" soon. No, this is the path we are on, and it diverged from the American Dream some time ago.

Let me list the bumps in the road we are on: overpopulation, dwindling natural resources, peak oil, climate change, the growing global food crisis, the death of the oceans, impending ecosystem collapse, the drying up of the planet, the ever-increasing likelihood of global pandemic, ocean level rise, economic collapse, social collapse, increasing numbers of mass murders, the threat of world war, the ongoing demise of the US dollar, the continued disintegration of nation states, the rise of stateless cartels and multi-nationals, and the shrinking of the middle-class.

If you are not a survivalist by now, you are nuts, but there is still hope. You still have the chance to look around you, take stock of the world, and become sane by beginning your journey towards self-reliance.

Am I an expert on this shit? Fuck no. Do I pretend to be? Fuck no. Am I intelligent, observant, abreast of world history and world affairs? Fuck yes. Do I really give a shit if you are black, white, straight, gay, a hippie, a redneck, foreign, domestic, vertically challenged, a human centipede? No. What I care about is spreading the message so that it sticks. Wake up and get off your ass if you haven't already done so. Take stock of your life. Learn to garden. Arm yourself. Network. Get an emergency kit together. Pay off your debt. Increase your practical knowledge base. Realize that the best thing you can do for yourself and everyone around you is to stop relying on the systems that keep us afloat, because those systems are breaking or broke.

Your mission is to figure out how to rely on yourself.

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