Sunday, June 28, 2009


1. America is not the Land of the Free. It is the Land of $. And $ can buy a lot. They can even buy narrow forms of freedom. But the backdrop behind America long ago became a backdrop of slavery, slavery to the $. The consumer masses are slaves to capitalism, corporations, corporate-run media, and the almighty $. We need to find ways to sidestep the capitalist paradigm, so that we can again live healthy lives. We need to remember that we don't need corporate consumerism in order to survive. We don't need the $, which in and of itself holds zero value. What we need in order to survive is: Healthy food, shelter, medicine and community. Our society has so limited our perception that we are brainwashed into thinking we are free, when we are not. Potential freedoms within the capitalist consumerist paradigm lie within a very narrow band of possibility, and this band is exclusively limited to the $.

2. The morality we are taught is largely free of any ties to a higher, ethical morality. We are taught to play by the rules, to make lots of money, to excel at text-book education, to be good worker consumer citizens, to do our homework, to pay our debts, to pay our taxes, to support our government, etc. Are any of these things inherently "good"? Is the student who excels at homework really better than the student who does not? Is the knowledge gained from textbooks real knowledge? Is working hard at a soul-less job really behavior we should put on a pedestal? Is accumulating $$$ and voluminous amounts of plastic, energy-sucking belongings an inherently intelligent thing to do? Is it wise to support our government when it behaves in ways which do not benefit the international community as a whole?

3. The multinational corporations are becoming increasingly evil with the passing decades. Chevron dumping billions of gallons of toxic waste into the Amazon in order to kill off the native peoples who would protest their intrusion onto their lands, multinationals gaining control of international water supplies so that they can profit from the world's poor and oppressed peoples, the Haliburtons and DynCorp's privatizing the military so that they can both A. act without regard for law, and B. rob the American taxpayers blind. One day our increasingly-ineffective governments will crumble past the point of any effectiveness whatsoever, and the Corporations will rise to rule the world. Their rule will be short - 5 to 50 years. The Battle of Armageddon will be the battle for the life of planet Earth itself: In the end it will come down to the People -- who wish to live -- versus the Corporations -- who wish to control, enslave and destroy in the name of greed and power. It will be a bitter war, without moral or ethical boundaries. But the Corporations WILL fall, once universal embargoes bring them to a standstill.

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