Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunday Stuff

Planted 2 blueberry bushes last week, harvested 2 blueberries. That's right: 2 blueberries. They were good. Tomatoes and strawberries coming in, but none of them are particularly sweet or tasty. It's just not hot enough. Harvested a 1/2 grocery bag of plums last week, gave them to a friend to make jam out of. My potato plant is growing like mad and I harvested 2 potatoes a week ago. That's right: 2 potatoes. :-) I have been watering my garden significantly more than I used to, and the growth rate is exponential. Lesson learned.

If I had to live off of my container garden, I'd get about 2 days worth of food, and that would be in the form of potatoes. So, it's not like I'm busting my own food bank account with this experiment. But I maintain that gardening is nonetheless a worthwhile exercise - it's relaxing & therapeutic, I learn more by experience each season, it seems to make everyone more happy, and if TSHTF I can always rapidly expand the garden to include 3 to 4 times as many plants. AND, my neighbor caught the bug, which rocks!
Looked at my knife collection the other day and thought: None of these quite do me right, except for the Mora. So I bought 2 additional blades. Will review all my knives at a later date. It dawns on me that you need several knives for survival work, as no 1 knife will do all you need. The Mora rocks for cutting vegetables or twine & for skinning, but it is small & not able to chop or split wood. Something bigger & heavier is well as a functional boot dagger for backup protection.
I want to bring to YOUR attention that mass shootings are becoming a weekly, even daily, occurrence, worldwide. Since Friday we have had the Oslo massacre, as well as at least 2 mass shootings in the United States, as well as a little girl hit by a stray bullet in Oaktown. And believe me when I say that that is probably not half of the mass murders that have occurred since Friday. Probably not a quarter. If I went and did a google search right now, the numbers would at least double. So, what Penny Kelly describes in ROBES is happening: Slowly, we will stop going out in public, due to the the endless stream of mass violent acts that occur in public spaces. Think about this and the implications it has for your future. We are becoming desensitized to an increasingly horrific world. What are YOU going to do about it? Think about that one long and hard, Fellow Survivalists!

Here is a quote that makes my blood run cold. I feel that it perfectly describes this century and the last:

“The faith that humans originally invested in God, they will now invest in barbaric nationalistic brotherhoods interested solely in plundering non-brothers. In the 20th century this will lead to wars catastrophic beyond all imagining.” The First World War was the beginning episode of Nietzsche’s prophecy. And he foresaw something even worse that would follow the great wars.

“In the 21st century will occur something worse than the great wars: namely, the total eclipse of all values. For without a profound belief in an almighty diety or deities, so-called ‘values’ become arbitrary and capricious. The pain the human beast will feel when he realizes he can believe in … nothing … will be worse than any he has felt before.”

Peace out, Brohims.

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