Thursday, November 10, 2011

EOTW Prepper Shit You Should Buy Or Know About


The Freeze Dry Guy has a large 1-time supply of LRPs (Long Range Patrol) rations in stock right now. They aren't exactly cheap, and who knows when they were built, but they are US Military stock and every survivalist should have at least a case on hand. Food like this is lightweight, takes up little space, and cooks up quick with only hot water. Me, I tend to eat these types of meals when I go camping in the desert or when I'm on a road trip out to Bugout Country.

Surviving Healthy is a website that sells antibiotic kits to preppers. Now, none other than Rawles himself recently recommended this website on, but I am not 100% sold that this guy is completely legit. A quick perusal of his website reveals that he "cannot find an online processor" (?) and must take all orders via check & snail mail. Hmmm. Furthermore, when it comes to discussing expiration dates and the longevity of the antibiotics he sells, he makes absolutely no mention of any hard numbers or actual dates, declaring (generically) that 90% of all medications remain effective 15 years after their expiration date! Wow! OK, that said, I may chance it and place an order with him. If he screws me, I can always file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau.

Alliance Armament, purveyor of the unbelievably lethal and bad ass 12 gauge Accelerator Pistol (pictured above), will soon also sell the unbelievably bad ass GripShield (pictured below). The GripShield is a polymer front grip that attaches to a weapon-mounted underbelly (lower) picatinny rail. The grip itself is attached to a plate armor shield, turning your weapon into portable armor. Holy shit! I want one for the Hyampom SAW! Probably not legal in CA, though. Oy vay - $115 seems downright inexpensive.

Ballistic Clipboard continues to sell bulletproof clipboards for what I deem reasonable prices. The website itself is kind of sickening, and I detest the scare tactics it uses to promote its products, but at roughly US$50 I don't see how you can go wrong. One of these unassuming clipboards could be kept at your workstation when at work, inserted into a backpack or under clothing or under a car seat cover to serve as a ballistic plate while jetting about town, and carried with you in a bag when slumming to buy Pall Malls at 11:00 at night. Basically, these little fuckers function as portable bulletproof and knifeproof armor. Buy one!

That's all for tonight, ladies!

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