Monday, December 12, 2011

New Urban Survivalist Blog

Check out the VERY cool new urban survival blog called SHTF School. It's written by a Bosnian named Selco who survived 3 years of civil war in 92-95. He went thru the wringer head first, but managed to come out the other side intact. His insights into surviving anarchy are very, very valuable. Keep in mind, though, that the United States is WAY more commercialized, WAY more armed to the teeth, WAY more populated, and WAY more dependent on energy and transportation for daily survival than Bosnia ever was, PLUS the United States is FILLED with drug addicts, mentally ill people, and mall rats who have no survival skills whatsoever and have never had any meaningful connection to the land, society or any community.

I predict that the horrors Selco describes would be ten-fold if TSHTF in the United States. We would probably blow the entire country to pieces fighting each other for food & gasoline & guns & ammo, then eat each other once we emptied the houses and Safeways of food. Very few people would actually garden or hunt, since nobody knows how to survive any more. Survival would probably be one long night-run thru the combat zone, a desperate bid to outlast everyone else as starvation impinged from all sides.


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