Thursday, March 11, 2010

Imagine II

Can you imagine what life will be like when the governments finally fail, and corporations assume control of the world? There will be no basic human rights, no law enforcement, no guarantees of personal sanctity or freedom, no enforcement of environmentally-sound business practices or sanitation, no curbs on pollution, no limits on resource depletion, no social welfare or medicine, no regulations on food ingredients, no upkeep of public institutions or utilities. There WILL be unbridled capitalism, untamed greed, unrestricted environmental degradation.... Everything will be privatized: road repair, garbage collection, incarceration, slavery, prostitution, security, intelligence, surveillance, utilities, public works, drug cartels, hit men, disaster relief, all media everywhere, weapons manufacturing, currency, citizenship, the space race, the list goes on. The proverbial dollar will reign supreme at all times.

Everyone will be armed with the best weapon they can get their hands on. The utilities in your house will not function, because the central water system and electrical grid decayed years ago. You will drive a smoke-belching wreck that is cobbled together from a dozen different cars and has steel security plates welded over the windows. The roads will be cracked, covered in debris, sprouting weeds. Trash, raw sewage and corpses will litter the urban landscape. Smog will choke the air. The vast majority of impoverished people will walk or ride bicycles. There will be no public transportation. You will collect rainwater from your roof in the winter, and fill water containers from a water truck in the summer. The water cartel will demand hard cash for their polluted, undrinkable water. You will grow what food you can, eat rodents and pets, accept virtually inedible corporate welfare handouts, and slowly starve. The corporations will provide unsafe industrial jobs for lousy food and low wages. There will be incessant crime -- burglaries, rapes, muggings, gangs, assassinations, extortion, shootouts, hold-ups, corporate/cartel clashes, terrorist attacks, random bombings.

Out of this chaotic, violent and unjust world will emerge the eco-terrorists and the survivalist tribes.

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