Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Shields & Other Shite

Major Surplus & Survival is my favorite online surplus store...AND it just so happens that right now they are selling Chinese riot shields for $49.95.

Sportsmansguide was selling British riot shields 2 weeks ago, but they are sold out. The Brit shields were round, clear plexiglass, more police than military, probably superior in every way to these green thingamjigs.

Anyway, I am a major proponent of hand-held defensive weapons and riot gear for those of us who live in urban environments. I'm talking push spears, tomahawks, armor, baseball bats, shields, helmets, the works.

But what I really want to say today is that my main interest these days is in promoting self-sufficiency. To this end I am continuing to plant fruit, nut and olive trees on "friendly" land. I continue to spread the hippie survivalist doctrine in whatever form I can to those around me, though interest remains fairly minimal. As we all know, the world doesn't give a shit about survivalism, because survivalism is a buzzkill.

I tell you though, you can still find people with the most unlikely skill sets. I have one friend who has lived below the poverty line for many years, and knows how to survive on very little money. She buys everything secondhand or gets it for free, dumpster dives, buys discount food, improvises, recycles, reuses, much as I imagine our grandparents did during World War II. Though she is a die-hard, old-school pacifist, I find her lifestyle rare and inspiring. She has never owned a credit card, has no debt. If we all lived the way she did, the world wouldn't have half the problems it now does. And she is pretty much impervious to economic hardship, because she has adapted to it over the last 20+ years.

One last thing: Silver has gone from roughly 10 to 28 dollars an ounce in the last 3 years. They call it poor man's gold.

It's raining. Good night!

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