Sunday, April 17, 2011

Concerning Prophetic Visions

I am continually scanning the internet for prophesies, visions and predictions of the future. Some notes:

*Not interested in overly Christian predictions, as the biblical symbolism usually clouds the message beyond my ability to understand what is trying to be said.

*Accounts of Near Death Experiences (NDEs) contain much of the most detailed prophetic descriptions.

*Most NDE visions seem to come with a caveat that the future is not fixed. And, in reviewing NDEs from past decades, we see that very often what was predicted did not actually happen. Or, only some of it happened.

*And yet, certain themes ring true. For instance, Penny Kelly in her book ROBES, which concerns visions she had in 79-80, says that she saw a "Lost Generation" of dispossessed children rising up and fighting in various parts of the United States, viciously taking what they felt was theirs. And Dannion Brinkely says he saw dispossessed children shooting each other with rifles and shooting at each other from cars, because they had no family structure and thus behaved like wolves. And what we have today is a violent ghetto culture which contains very real elements of both these visions, as seen on a daily basis in Oakland, California.

*Most NDE visions describe the weather going haywire globally, and a rise in natural disasters including flooding, volcanic eruptions, drought, tsunamis and massive earthquakes.

*Many NDEs discuss nuclear war, both limited and global, but the details vary quite widely. There is a sub-theme that the United States, after letting its guard down in a post-Cold War world, is hit by a surprise attack from Russia.

*Many NDEs describe the United States collapsing economically and bringing the global economy down with it.

*There is also a common sub-thread among various types of prophetic visions, in which the Earth heals itself of mankind's ills by shaking itself so violently that the oceans literally slosh over the continents, killing most of humanity and destroying modern civilization. This shaking results from either a near-miss by a large extraterrestrial body, or the Earth consciously healing itself, or a pole flip.

*More later.

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