Saturday, September 17, 2011

Switching Out One Motherfucker for Another

Hey! Missed you :-).

So, today we have a simple DIY mini-project or three. Let's start with the TOPS Haket. The Haket is bar none one of the coolest survival gadgets I have ever come across. The online reviews are stellar, and I wish to add that the Haket REALLY IS ALL THAT. It rocks. Its hollow, flattened handle is made of coated gray chrome moly, and it is a VERY heavy duty (but lightweight!) tool. The tomahawk motherfucker, which is coated to prevent rust, is very solid. It attaches perfectly to the Haket, and when bolted into place there is not one iota of play. It also functions flawlessly on its own, as a knife. This piece of kit is a flawlessly designed and manufactured piece of awesome shit, and every hippie survivalist should have one (Unless they just don't need it cuz they already have better, or other, equally awesome shit that already fulfills the same purpose. You dig?).

Below we have my modded Haket, which I have deemed The Death Dart. You will notice that I have switched out the tomahawk motherfucker for the Alligator Alley harpoon tip motherfucker. I did this because while the tomahawk motherfucker kicks ass, I cannot abide the way it bulks up the precious aerodynamics of the Haket. Not when it's inside my house, or in transit or in storage, I can't. I like compact. So, by attaching the harpoon motherfucker, I have created a giant, evil dart - one which makes me very happy :-). I have also pulled an inner tube down over the exposed handle, because A) it protects the surface beneath, B) it provides sticky gripitation, C) I can secrete survival goodies under the rubber, and D) it looks Delta Force-like and menacing. I also attached both the harpoon motherfucker and its sheath to the handle, via paracord lanyards. The harpoon motherfucker lanyard is long enough to double as a hanger, too. That's basically it. I'm trying to figure out what to store in the handle, besides zip-ties (for securing the Death Dart to a pole or stick).

The only thing lacking on the Haket are more motherfuckers. Why don't they make a pick motherfucker, a shovel motherfucker, an ice pick motherfucker and a hoe motherfucker? Maybe I will never know. But I do know one thing - I am going to write to TOPS and request that they offer additional motherfuckers, cuz I will buy every one. Because I CAN'T HAVE TOO MANY MOTHERFUCKERS IN MY LIFE. I ALREADY HAVE SO MANY, WHAT ARE 5 MORE? FUCK.

P.S. Where do I keep The Death Dart? I hang it from the bedpost. Why? Because it makes me so fucking happy to see it there.

You know, we're almost out of time now, because I got carried away up above and wrote too much. Below I have 2 fun little mods. First off on the left, I fitted a piece of inner tube around a padlock to A) weatherproof it, B) prevent it from clanging, and C) remove it's silvery sheen. I also taped the top of the lock with electrical tape, for the same reasons. Does it look perfect? No. Is it functional? Yes. So if you don't like it, fuck you. I think it rocks. Lastly, on the right we have an orange Bick lighter that I wrapped with electrical tape to make it all Navy Seals-stealthy. Works like a charm.

OK, so we're almost done for today. Just wanted to say that my Lock Box project? The box was rattling around when I drove, so I jammed some inner tube under it, and it sits very tightly now. Also, the above padlock doesn't rattle. Bottom line: THE LOCK BOX ROCKS MY COCK. Take it easy and until next time!

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