Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Hippie Survivalist - The Farson Hatchet


So, I purchased one of these strange tools - a Farson Hatchet, by Fremont Knives - and I have to admit, I'm impressed! I haven't cut a damn thing with it yet, but who cares. Those who know me know that I like unusual designs, and this IS that. What IS this thing? I would describe it as a multi-use survival tool that would make an addition to any kit or BOB...but it's NOT a replacement for a knife, IMHO.

Observations: It's heftier than it looks. I'd expected an aluminum-weight tool, but it has more mass than that. Note that it's a hatchet in shape only - this little tool is probably not going to split anything except paper or skin if I make a chopping motion with it. It is strong, though, with a wedge shape to it. It looks like it could be used to harvest and chop vegetables, to cut meat, to skin and scrape hide, to butcher small animals, for baton-ing branches into kindling, for carving wood, and as a punch knife.

One last thing - it's sharp, and it appears to have different grinds on the two edges.  I. Like. Carbon. Steel. !

That's all for now.  I'll probably use it in the kitchen and garden and then post more about its functionality.

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