Sunday, January 15, 2012


Another successful wine box-tool box conversion:

*This cool "free library" box is in front of someone's flat, down the street. At night they leave little LED spotlights in front of it:

*Lost 10 pounds since Christmas. Started with a ketosis diet (low carb) for the first 5 pounds, then switched to a no-shit-carb diet for the next 5 pounds. Maintaining that for the next 5 or 10 pounds, then re-evaluating my diet. Today's lunch: An awesome organic salad w/kale, carrot, cabbage, tomato, avocado, sprouted sunflower seeds, parmesan cheese & Bragg amino salad dressing. Plus a slice of raw milk Swiss cheese.

*Let's hope that Ron Paul goes far. Far enough to shake things up & change things. The whole world is sick of materialism & lies.

*My Poor cat just tried to lunge thru the window to get a bird. She's too proud to acknowledge how silly that was, so she's ignoring me now.

*Hippie dream I had last night:

Dreamt I was in a landscape of rolling green hills and Oak Trees, somewhere up near Grass Valley. It seemed to be night time, but I could see quite well. This figure appeared on the hill beneath me. He came running along the ridge, right to left, and stopped under an Oak tree. Because I was looking down on him from one ridge away, from my perspective he appeared to be quite small. It was as if I was watching a miniature man in a miniature landscape. The most noticeable thing about this guy was the sounds he was making. They were not human sounds, or animal sounds, or like any sounds I've ever heard. It's very difficult to remember them now, but they were like a long series of different chirps and other sounds that were almost electronic in nature. They were patterns of some sort. But the unusual-ness of this guy did not stop there. He had an owl costume on, and he was kind of dancing, moving in strange sequences as he stood under the Oak tree. He seemed like an electric being. My first thought was that he was a shaman who was in the act of performing practices to enable him to enter a different plane, an energy world. But if that was the case, then he had so mastered these practices that he had in fact entered the energy world completely, and was now residing there. But maybe the sounds he was making and the dance he was doing were what was keeping him in the energy world? I also wondered if perhaps he was a deity, a Kachina, who actually existed in the energy world to begin with. But even if that was the case, it seems to me that the kachinas are shamans who learn to enter the Kachina world so to speak, and commune with the deities. So, whatever this little guy was, he was in the energy world, and he was an electric being.

This all happened very quickly, I simply observed all of this in a couple of seconds.

Next thing that happens is that two figures appear from the right, chasing or tracking the first guy. They are green, and they are also electric beings. Again, it is impossible to clearly determine their origins. But, they are chasing the first guy. Suddenly all 3 of these figures have spears and I begin to back away from the scene, for fear of getting hit in some kind of crossfire. At this point the entire scene/landscape is electric...I am perceiving it as someone on psychedelics might perceive it. It's not like a video game, though, it's more like a brilliant, electric world - I can see at night, and there are these 3 electric figures running around. Anyway, so the owl guy throws his spear at the other two, and it misses them but lands kind of close to me, so I back away, afraid I'll get hit.

That's it. It was awesome.

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