Monday, November 2, 2009

Minor Health Miracles, cont.

Last month I went thru a 2-week phase where I ate a lot of carrots, and lo and behold, my vision got very, sparkling clear. It was cool and I want more of it, so I'm going for it again - 2 organic carrots every day, and I'll let you know when that sparklevision returns.

And then also, I have suffered from dandruff for my entire adult life. I quit using commercial shampoo and conditioner 2 weeks ago, and the day -- the DAY -- I switched to baking soda and vinegar, I stopped having dandruff. Holy shit!

*I would quit using toothpaste, but I have some Toms of Maine that I may as well use. When its gone, I'll switch to baking soda and salt.

*I have begun to do some very basic yoga stretches each day. They are known as the Five Rites, and I'll keep you posted.

*I have begun meditating every day. It's so nice to get in touch with some inner peace.

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