Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Few More Words By Meher Baba


If memory serves me correctly, Meher Baba said that we live in the Kali Yuga, or the Fourth and Final Age, which is a time of universal pain and darkness.  It is the Darkest Hour of the Night, the time when Truth wanes, and Illusion reigns.  He called this Kali Yuga THE AGE OF MACHINES, and said that it would be characterized by SPEED.  His advice to humanity was "DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY".

Wow, do those last words scare the pee-pee out of me.  But I appreciate them.  They make no attempt to sugar-coat reality, and they leave the choice up to us: We can be worry-free and happy if we want to, no matter what happens to us or around us.  WE DON'T HAVE TO BE ATTACHED TO EXTERNAL CIRCUMSTANCE.

By Jove, that's a tall order, though!  It's a challenge, really, cuz becoming detached requires great effort.  The upside of the Kali Yuga is that it is a time of great growth, as Humanity struggles to overcome its own limitations and births a new, higher consciousness.  The brief and dark Kali Yuga is followed by an Age of Peace, which is heavenly and seems to last for an eternity.

Above: Avatar Meher Baba as a young man.  Those liquid eyes are filled with great longing.  I once dreamed I was standing on one of them!  I was small and that eye was huge.  Then, I was me again and Meher Baba hugged me, and my heart grew and grew til it seemed to explode, and I screamed out loud!  And He laughed and said, "It can be a bit overwhelming at times, can't it?"

How many lives still to go, Baba?


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