Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fishing, Hunting, Fucking

That's what the good guys in The Road Warrior spent the rest of their lives doing when they made it to the beach and became the Great Northern Tribe, after the movie ended.  That is very clear to me now.
I want to recommend Howard Kunstler's two post-apocalyptic novels, A World Made By Hand, and The Witch of Hebron.  They both take place in the same post-oil, post-industrial America, where life has returned to pastoral rhythms.  Both novels share a wonderful and warm atmosphere that is rich and ripe with a simplicity our own society lost long ago.  Thumbs up.  Boners up, even!
Do you remember John Titor?  No?  WTF?  Why not?  He rocked.  He was the time traveling soldier-from-the-future who appeared briefly in internet chat rooms around the turn of century.  He had a great story to tell.  You really should check him out, his predictions were trey cool.  Well, the good news is that someone is making a documentary about him, called How To Build A Time Machine.  I cannot wait til it comes out.  Real or not, his story is every survivalist's wet dream.
So, if you are like me and like predictions and prophecies concerning the fate of humanity, check out this audio interview HERE.  This psychic chick is pretty cool.  She says she senses a hard economic downturn hitting planet earth this coming Spring or Summer, with a 3-to-6 month bottoming-out period.  All I can say is, that's interesting timing.  I'll be interested to see what happens.
The Walking Dead.  It's a great zombie TV series with incredible cinematography and acting, and moments of pure brilliance.  And yet I talk endless shit about how it could be improved upon.  That said, once in awhile it comes thru in aces, like it did last Sunday.  Way to go Rick!  Finally.  I'm hooked again!
Good night byatches everywhere.  It's been real.  Wait, one last thing: Tonight, for the first time ever, I felt so good that the only way I could describe it was to compare it to being on drugs.  In fact, I had ingested a homeopathic remedy.  It was, and is, astounding.  Perhaps I will illuminate that story more fully at a later date.

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