Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Food Crisis Is Here, And It's Here To Stay

This is a brief posting. It's a warning that global food prices have been skyrocketing for several years now. We are in the beginning stages of a long-term food crisis, one that has been brought about by global warming, pollution, the burgeoning human population, and decades of unsustainable urban growth and industrial farming which have destroyed a large percentage of the earth's arable land. Penny Kelly discusses this emerging food crisis in her book ROBES. It is a very, very serious issue that humanity now faces, and it will lead to mass starvation in the coming decades.

NOW is the time to address food security on all levels. As a prepper, YOU need to learn how to garden, YOU need to learn how to farm, YOU need put aside food stores, YOU need to lay claim to arable land that you can produce food on, and YOU need to network with other like-minded people who you can work with to create a new food infrastructure. Think of it as a grand challenge and a grand adventure. The payoff is survival, and health. If you fail, you will face hunger, poverty and ill health in the decades to come, as food prices go ballistic and you are forced to eat increasingly synthetic garbage.

If you read survivalblog, you will note that in recent months, Rawles has again and again cited rising food prices worldwide, and ongoing food shortages. This is primarily affecting the Third World at this time, but it WILL hit the First World, and when it does, we will be ill prepared to deal with it. Let's pray that the gardening and urban farming trends sweeping our nation are here to stay, and that they keep gathering steam. They may mean the difference between eating and starving in the years to come.

Don't forget what I'm saying. Keep it in mind. Every prepper should be thinking about this issue right now, and they should be actively creating their food security infrastructure.

Seize the day!


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