Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New Guns Part 4

Well, I think I died and went to heaven. And if I did, don't resuscitate me. You see, I am a big fan of Personal Defense Weapons (PDWs). Why? Because I like compact, and I like effective. And the PDW shown above is possibly my favorite. It's called a PDW 7.92 VBR-B Compact, and it's a Belgian concept. I don't know if it's actually in production, but you can go online and read all about it and even watch videos of a guy demonstrating its incredible usefulness. It uses the 9mm platform, but fires a special 7.92 mm round. I don't know what that means exactly, but apparently it's a good thing.

I like everything about this device. I wish I had one in my truck. I like the extended magazine, the pistol-size of it, the rear bolt charger, the sight, the front hand grip. It even has a tiny pull-out stock, which is kind of cool. Actually, the stock's too small. It should be bigger. And it has select fire: 1 shot or three-round bursts. Which rocks. What a bad ass little canon. I bet its armor-piercing rounds would pop holes in a car body.

Maybe if I move to Nevada one day I'll be able to get one.

So, this thing in the image above is cool also. I don't know what its called or who makes it. But, its a carbine stock for a Glock pistol. You just fit the modified full-auto pistol inside it, swing out the folding stock and lock it, grab the grips, squeeze the trigger, and blast away. You can put different length barrels on the pistol, and notice the extended magazine. Also, note the bolt charger at the back of the carbine. That's a nice touch. Gotta say I like the Belgian PDW more, but I'd take either. Submachine guns rock, too. Specially Glock submachine guns. Cuz they are tiny, and they kick out the jams.

Yeah, well, like I said. Nevada. One day. Maybe.

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