Sunday, February 27, 2011


*Um...what was I going to say...oh yeah: Restrepo. If you want to see what our more battle-hardened troops experienced in Afghanistan, then check this documentary out. It is impressive! It made me proud to be an American. I don't want to give any of it away, so just go see it. And be glad that those dudes were on our side.
*Word is that there are now counterfeit silver coins, bars and ingots on the US market. Washington state is seeing a flood of them. Apparently they are all (so far) being made in China and are flawed. Also, they are reproductions of pricey old coins. It seems that it's generally not worth counterfeiting silver unless one reproduces a very pricey coin with historical/rare/numismatic value, because silver itself is simply not worth that much to begin with. These coins can be identified as fakes because they have an iron core: A magnet will be strongly attracted to them, and if dropped on a hard surface they will thud rather than ring.
*For what it's worth, fake gold bars have been discovered in the US in the last year. They have tungsten cores.
*Saw 6 cop cars pull over a guy in a car outside my apartment today. The cops had their pistols out and were ducked behind their cars, yelling for the dude to get out of the car. He didn't put up a fight. He was a tall black dude with long dreads, driving a Saab. Never seen that go down before. Funny how us civilian gawkers were right there across the street, checking it out. Good thing bullets didn't start flying!

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